Sydney Roller Derby girls rock

Last Saturday night I went to watch the reigning champions Beauty School Knockouts sweat it out against the Screaming Assault Sirens. The Beauties in pink and black won by 100 points and my friends and I had a fantastic night. The T-shirts on sale are fabulous and you’ll love the theatre, the sweat and the cheerleaders. I’m off to buy me some rollerskates.


So I had a free pass for two weeks’ worth of yoga with one of the best yoga teachers in the country if not the world, it was a beautiful day, I was child free and I could walk to the yoga school in 15 minutes. Did I worship at the temple that is my body? No, I stayed home and read about vajazzling on the internet. Yes, jewels for vaginas. These women have WAY too much time on their hands. Or way too much vagina on their hands.

Apparently the trend exploded in the US when Jennifer Love Hewitt announced that she Vajazzles regularly to feel good about her private parts. I work in hospitals with sick and dying children. Please don’t tell me Jennifer Love Hewitt that you have time to vajazzle. Tell me you help injured puppies, or look after your elderly neighbour. JLH you are a moron.

I must explain that I am a self-employed, over-committed single mother of three children with no desire to even talk to a man. I don’t care at this point if I ever have sex again. So maybe vajazzling would have wet my whistle (as it were) when I was an over-sexed single, childless commitment-phobe 20 something. But somehow I don’t think so.

Ladies, please. Can we stop getting distracted by stupid so-called beauty treatments and get out and do some good in the world instead? In Joplin, USA, Christchurch, New Zealand and Sendai, Japan there are people who could really use our help. Please?