Oh George

In 1986 I was living in London and I had a flatmate who modelled her hair on George Michael’s fluffy bouffy do. She scored tickets to see Wham at Wembley Stadium that summer. I didn’t speak to her for a while because she went to the gig and I didn’t. It was never about Andrew, it was always about George. I loved George but I was too afraid to admit it. For a while there it wasn’t cool to like George Michael’s music, it wasn’t grungey or dark or rock enough. I’ve never liked cool obscure underground bands that nobody has heard of, with male singers who can’t hold a tune, I’m a huge fan of bright, shiny commercial pop. So George was the shiz.


I love George’s lyrics, I love his melodies and his voice. When I was 14, he wrote songs in the key of teenage angst. George understood me and my worries. Christmas doesn’t begin for me until I hear Last Christmas on the radio.


I can’t believe he’s gone at the age of 53. In the 90s his music kept my heart alive. I hope the dope didn’t kill him.


“Do you enjoy what you do? If not, just stop, don’t stay there and rot.”


Thank you George, I hope you’re blazing a trail with some gorgeous angelic backing vocalists in heaven





Dear Santa

G’day. Here’s my last minute Christmas list for you. I’ve been very busy this year, so as I haven’t really had time to be naughty I think I’m in with a chance of getting a few of these items. So this Christmas I wish  you could:


  1. Please send really sick kids home from children’s hospitals with good health
  2. Please give their parents a restful break
  3. Please find homes for homeless people, especially those battling snow and bitter winds
  4. Please change the gun laws in the US
  5. Please outlaw the over-supply of greedy real estate agents who profit from people’s basic need for housing
  6. Please give the tectonic plates a rest for a while
  7. Please kick out politicians who put their own personal profits ahead of the health, harmony, safety and education of the nation they pretend to be serving
  8. Please send French champagne and chocolates to my loved ones while I have a lie down
  9. Please keep an eye on my eldest as she adventures through the wilds of South America
  10. Please tell whoever is in charge of choosing who dies (I don’t know where they are, maybe in the office next to yours at the North Pole?) not to take any more of our fabulous artists. Can this entity please choose despots, thugs and so-called success coaches in 2017 instead?


I’m trying not to be greedy but some peace, love, joy, giggles, goodwill, gratitude, patience, kisses, health, harmony, dark chocolate, extra light for Channukah, belly laughter, hugs, respect and no new Mariah Carey singles for a while would be ace too


Thanks mate, I’ve got beer waiting for you as long as your reindeer poo out the back of my garden