15 years spreading laughter

Today is our 15th anniversary! On 29 January 1997 Clown Doctors started working at Sydney Children’s Hospital in Randwick, Sydney. The Humour Foundation now have 55 Clown Doctors working in 20 hospitals around Australia. Happy Birthday to us! Congratulations to Leonie Leonard, Dr B. Looney, Dr Fruit-Loop, Dr Sniggles and Dr Nutcase, everyone at HF and all the other wonderful Australian Clown Doctors past and present spreading joy to families in times of immense stress. Sometimes we meet people on the worst day of their lives and we try to find a way to bring the sunshine out again. When I think of our work I am reminded of the Maya Angelou quote, “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

Clown Doctors in SMH


I love my job, I must be strange


I love my day job

Honk Your Nose if you Love Clowns