April 7 birthdays

I may not have my mobile phone much longer, I received my monthly phone bill: $432.53. $268.55 worth of text messages from me to television competition lines. Watching TV while armed with mobile phone, drunk and crying over single motherhood not recommended for wealth creation.

Today is Russell Crowe’s birthday, so to celebrate I chucked a Rusty and threw my phone at the wall.

Today is also Billie Holiday’s birthday. She sang Lover Man Oh Where Can you Be? Which is very appropriate for me considering my single status.


In my 20s I was a sucker for every ology being spruiked on a street corner by a charlatan. It was the 90s after all. I veered between the ‘I don’t give a rats’ slacker culture and the personal growth ‘I want to find myself, that’s enough about me, what do you think of me?’ ethos. There’s a sucker born every minute and at 4am on the 19th of September that sucker was me.

I tried rebirthing, chakra realignment, reading tea leaves, chanting, and I even looked into the bollocks that is numerology. I took a personality course at the ‘church’ of Scientology. I discovered I only had a personality when I drank like an Australian cricketer on tour. I spent thousands on courses and tapes and CD’s and behavioural analysis bullshit instead of investing in cheap Sydney property. Then when I was 29 I embarked on a breeding program. I had big whopper babies, all overdue, so I read lots of intellectual tomes in my fourth trimester, like Get A Life, No Idea and Women’s Monthly magazines. One day I read an article about birthdays and their meaning so I decided to harness the power of celebrity to give my life some direction (five pregnancies will do that to your brain).

I discovered I share a birthday with Twiggy and Mama Cass (I’m somewhere in between them size wise), but my spiritual guru also shares my birthday. George Cadbury. He was a chocolate maker and philanthropist. The charity I work for is sponsored by you guessed it…Cadbury. It’s a sign. So as Oprah would say I’ve found my destiny. I was put on this earth to consume chocolate, preferably the expensive stuff.

Who do you share your birthday with? Maybe they can give your life the direction it needs. Which personality traits do you share with a celebrity?